What Does Your Google Page Rank Means?
Google PageRank, was designed for Google searchers and website owners. It has been associated with SEO since its establishment, its main functionality is to determine if a page will rank well in a search. PageRank plays a very important role in SEO arena and play a vital role in many of our web search tools that means it make your page more important and highly regarded by Google.
PageRank is a toolbar numbering system (0-10) that provides the estimate page rank of a site and measure the quality as well as the importance of a website based on the quantity and quality of a website’s backlinks with maximum accuracy, while concluding you page rank. This ranking system had website owners and SEOs working overtime to achieve the highest Page Rank or to get closer to actual page rank which is profitable in order to apply your next strategy to get good ranking for their websites.
Here are some important elements that are the key to better Page Rank:
- Total inbound links
- Total outbound backlinks
- Quality of backlinks
Page Rank has been on the decline for a year now, but still if we measure the importance and popularity of a website , which has always been tricky without Google Page Rank. Several different tactics have been emerged since then but the importance of Google Page Rank metric has always been chased by SEOs and webmasters.
It might be possible that Google Page Rank will survive this year, as it is one of the most valuable metric that will never entirely can disappear, and if it doest not survive then we should be aware of how we can present and configure our content on the Web.
All the SEOs and Webmasters, are welcome to tell us what you think about the end of Google Page Rank Tool.