Bing Ads has announced support for Review Extensions, improvements in audience association creation for your Re-marketing in Paid Search campaigns, and better keyword import in the latest version of Bing Ads Editor: v11.10.
Support Review Extensions:
Now advertisers can manage Review Extensions in bulk from Bing Ads Editor. Up to 20 Review Extensions can be associated with campaign and ad group. You can create one shared Review Extension and that can be associated with multiple campaigns and ad groups.
Better Keyword Import:
Bing Ads Editor now recognizes symbols for exact and phrase match type. “For example, the keyword “flowers” and [flowers] will be imported as phrase and exact match type respectively. If a keyword has no symbols and no explicit match type, it will be considered a broad match type.”
Improved Re-marketing in Paid Search Audience Associations:
Bing Ads Editor now allows you to adjust the bid modifier between -90% to +900% while creating audience association for Re-marketing in Paid search campaigns. You no longer need to go back to the editor pane and update the adjustment value after creating the audience associations. The default value will be pre-populated to 15% for all new audience associations.