Running Out of Cash, Small Vendors Start Turning Their Backs on E-Commerce Apps

After an initial surge, roadside vendors have now reduced the usage of e-commerce apps as they are not able to withdraw money from their accounts. Those running paan shops or roadside eateries are now demanding cash payment for small purchases as their own cash has dried up nine days after the demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes.
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Ramakant Goswami said, Paan Shop Owner at Sector 110:-
“We are still using the apps as they have become our only source of income, but the problem is we have run out of cash and cannot buy goods to replenish stock. We managed to buy stock on credit for a while, but now the wholesalers are demanding cash, which is not available with us,” 
Mahesh Gupta, a juice shop owner in Sector 78:-
“that for the past 10 days, fruit and vegetable wholesalers were accepting cheques and even supplied raw material on credit, but now they too are demanding payment in new currency notes to meet their cash requirements”.
Bunty Aggarwal (35), a tea and refreshments stall owner, Around 20km away in Munirka:-
His shop was set up by his father 30 years ago and caters mostly to students. “Whenever these young people ask for change, I just tell them to pay via the application. I get up to 20-25 customers daily, who pay digitally. This mode of payment is also easy for me as now I can pay my electricity bills via the app,” Aggarwal says.
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