How PM Narendra Modi’s Digital India show is going to transform India

is awesome!
It lets people use the freedom of expression, within
legal and justifiable boundaries. On Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s
frequent foreign tours, the country has been literally divided into
two schools of thoughts – One, that regularly wears the coat of
critics and the other that understands there is more return out of
the investments from these trips. Out of some of the thoughts, one
circulated on social media has these words – The earlier PM was in
silent mode. The present PM is in flight mode. 



such jokes are mirror of contrasting thoughts of a healthy democracy,
the country is due to realize the grand benefits our Prime Minister’s
foreign visits are going to yield in the coming years.

more recent – In the Silicon Valley’s Digital India Show, Modi
yet again proved his mettle and with a carefully-crafted allegory.
For as long as he continued, he sparked a ray of hope, and asked
politely yet deliberately the tech titans to invest in India. Modi’s
was great, very carefully crafted, and was populated with
optimisms. He pinpointed why India should be the most desirable place
for technology revolution in the coming years and how it can change
how technology is being evolved today.

of the key notes from the show –
told how India is evolving through the use of modern-day technology
status that now matters is not whether you are awake or asleep, but
whether you are online or offline,
” he quipped, adding “The most
fundamental debate for our youth now is the choice between Android,
iOS or Windows.
there was humor to make his point so credible yet fun
today has made teachers less awe-inspiring and grandparents more
idle. Twitter has turned everyone into a reporter. The traffic lights
that need to work the best are on CISCO routers.”
the most important aspect of the show was Modi’s ability to gather
the tech titans under one umbrella, and assuring them how India is
changing and how its development is so crucial technology-wise.

our economy and our lives get more wired, we are also giving the
highest importance to data privacy and security, intellectual
property rights and cyber security,

Prime Minister said his administration hoped to transform governance
and make it “more transparent, accountable, accessible and
takeaways – 
Digital India initiative overseas started yielding results as many
companies have expressed their desire to transform India with
whatever way they can
it a huge investment from Qualcomm Or Google’s Chennai-born CEO
Sundar Pichai’s
announcement of bringing connectivity, to
Microsoft’s assurance of continually helping people in India to
stay connected – Modi’s visit is surely going to change the new
India’s landscape
for that we need to wait because revolution never happens overnight.
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