Next Step Towards Digital India !

Good News from Government Telecom Sector for Internet user in Digital India.

BSNL Increase Minimum Internet Speed from 512 Kbps to 2 Mbps, a welcome move by India’s No 1 ISP Bhart Sanchar Nigam Limited.

It will be act as torch-bearer for other ISP’s in Digital India. The infrastructure to provide this speeds are going to be focused and in other way even mobile network speeds are also going to shed their loads with in network infrastructure.


 Until a year ago, India classified data transfer at the rate of 256 kbps (kilo-bits per second) as broadband, though the globally accepted threshold is 512 kbps. Great initiative taken by BSNL for all Indian broadband users, as you are going to get 2Mbps speed as a standard speed in near future. 

It will be act as Booster pack for Remote Areas where BSNL is providing its service, It will help customer to access eCommerce Services and eBanking in all corner of India.

This is going to push a major revolutionary change in entire Indian Networking world and give India a huge boost up in eComm edge.

Best wishes from Brainguru Team for this revolutionary Step.

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