How Google’s Mobile-friendly Update Affects Website Performance

brainguru mobile friendly website
As Google noted earlier this year, Yesterday(21’st April 2015) google was globally rolling out their mobile-friendly update. Google are boosting the ranking of mobile-friendly pages on mobile search results. Now searchers can more easily find high-quality and relevant results where text is readable without tapping or zooming, tap targets are spaced appropriately, and the page avoids unplayable content or horizontal scrolling.

In essence, if your website does not pass Google’s mobile friendly test, there’s a real possibility that Google will send you fewer mobile search customers after April 21.

Google’s “mobile-friendly” algorithm update is big news. But how will it impact your ecommerce performance?

  • Affects only search rankings on mobile devices
  • Affects search results in all languages globally
  • Applies to individual pages, not entire websites

Some questions with answers about the mobile-friendly update :

Question : How do you check your website is Mobile-Friendly Or Not?

Answer : Individual pages can be tested for “mobile-friendliness” using the Mobile-Friendly Test

Question : Will desktop and/or tablet ranking also be affected by this change?

Answer : No, this update has no effect on searches from tablets or desktops. It affects searches from mobile devices across all languages and locations.

Question : Is it a page-level or site-level mobile ranking boost?

Answer : It’s a page-level change. For instance, if ten of your site’s pages are mobile-friendly, but the rest of your pages aren’t, only the ten mobile-friendly pages can be positively impacted.

Question : Unfortunately, your mobile-friendly pages won’t be ready until after April 21st. How long before they can be considered mobile-friendly in ranking?

Answer : Google determine whether a page is mobile-friendly every time it’s crawled and indexed- you don’t have to wait for another update. Once a page is mobile-friendly, you can wait for Google bot for smart phones to naturally (re-)crawl and index the page or you can expedite processing by using Fetch as Google with Submit to Index in Webmaster Tools. For a large volume of URLs, consider submitting a sitemap. In the sitemap, if your mobile content uses pre-existing URLs (such as with Responsive Web Design or dynamic serving), also include the lastmod tag.

Question : Since the mobile ranking change rolls out on April 21st, if you see no drop in traffic on April 22nd, does that mean that your site’s rankings aren’t impacted?

Answer : You won’t be able to definitively determine whether your site’s rankings are impacted by the mobile-friendly update by April 22nd. While google begin rolling out the mobile-friendly update on April 21st, it’ll be a week or so before it makes its way to all pages in the index.

Question : You have a great mobile site, but the Mobile-Friendly Test tells you that your pages aren’t mobile-friendly. Why?

Answer : If a page is designed to work well on mobile devices, but it’s not passing the Mobile-Friendly Test, the most common reason is that Googlebot for smartphones is blocked from crawling resources, like CSS and JavaScript, that are critical for determining whether the page is legible and usable on a mobile device (i.e., whether it’s mobile-friendly).

Question : Check if the Mobile-Friendly Test shows blocked resources (often accompanied with a partially rendered image).

Allow Googlebot to crawl the necessary files.
Double-check that your page passes the Mobile-Friendly Test.
Use Fetch as Google with Submit to Index and submit your updated robots.txt to Google to expedite the re-processing of the updated page (or just wait for Google to naturally re-crawl and index).

Question : What if you link to a site that’s not mobile-friendly?

Answer : Your page can still be “mobile-friendly” even if it links to a page that’s not mobile-friendly, such as a page designed for larger screens, like desktops. It’s not the best experience for mobile visitors to go from a mobile-friendly page to a desktop-only page, but hopefully as more sites become mobile-friendly, this will become less of a problem.

Question : Will your site / page disappear on mobile search results if it’s not mobile-friendly?

Answer : While the mobile-friendly change is important, we still use a variety of signals to rank search results. The intent of the search query is still a very strong signal – so even if a page with high quality content is not mobile-friendly, it could still rank high if it has great content for the query.

Some more specialized questions about this updats like –

Question : What if your audience is desktop only? Then there’s no reason to have a mobile site, right?
Question : You have pages showing mobile usability errors because they embed a YouTube video. What can you do?
Question : Is there a clear standard for sizing tap targets?????…
It’s may be You’re thinking on such type questions after this updates, If you’re not aware in-depth about this updates don’t worry ! We’ll tell you about this updates. Please ask your query as an comment on this post.

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