Brainguru Team Takes Pledge – We Will Vote In The Lok Sabha Election

eyes are on the high-stakes battle in the virtual Presidential-style
contest between political parties in the Lok Sabha elections. Delhi
will witness the first three way of the Lok Sabha Elections when
traditional foes will have a tough competition. Probably this could
be one of the toughest fought election.


are an important symbol of the democratic process in India and now
just one day to go for polling, the city is abuzz with campaigning.
In the largest democracy in the world, governments have come and
gone, but they are still waiting to get noticed and we as the voters
have to choose the right people who will work to promote our
interests and welfare from the top as every vote counts. With
election day drawing closer, every candidate are doing their best to
win the voters to their side. We should emphasized the importance of
participating in voting decisions as your single vote can change the
course of the election or it can even change history, one vote can
make all the difference.

final countdown for the election has begun and each party is bringing
their best ways to make sure that they win.

Technologies, take the pledge of ethical voting in the Lok Sabha
Elections and
work towards bringing a change in the system from our side.

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