Are you getting 404 Page Not found error while surfing ? don’t worry its also a record in Internet.
Brainguru Technologies, states that 404 error is not an issue to worry about. It just a numeric code for a deletedwebsite, which tells that the page was purposely removed, so there is no reason to search for it again and again.
The Global Language Monitor (GLM) has carried out a survey and announced that in the global Internet 404 isthe top most popular word. It is the most commonly used word across the Internet world over the past years.
404 the Internet code for failure, frequently used when a website doesn’t load or is busted, has gained hugeattention in the year 2013, all over the world.
The official Internet code for failure in this year is 404 and Fail. Now lets see what will be the next tech word in thecoming years for the sites which are not able to load, as we are not going to shut up about the Internet.
Happy Surfing 🙂
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