media have proved more operational than traditional media outlets in
persuading public opinion. It is playing a vital role in electoral
politics and that the impact will take some time to be felt. It is
used cleverly by politicians and surely put an effect on the urban
middle class, which in turn has the potential to influence the voting
pattern. The social media platforms used especially are Facebook,
Twitter, YouTube and many more.
SMO Company In India 2013
was released by Internet and Mobile Association Of India (IAMAI) and
IMRB. The number of social media in urban India has reached to 86
million in October this year and 91 million by the end of this year.
Political parties have attributed around 2%-5% of their election
budgets for social media.
Election Commission of India bought the number of desirable voters,
whether they are young men or non-working people whose affiliation
towards social media is high. It turns out to be a vote swing over
from 4% in 24 states, where Internet users are in large numbers. 160
Lok Sabha constituencies are likely to be influenced by social media,
out of 543, while another 67 will see a moderate impact during the
general elections scheduled for 2014.
prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi and Congress vice president
Rahul Gandhi are the two most-searched politicians, according to
Google India-TNS’s researching.
allow a significant increase in profits, the politicians or political
parties use social media sites. Social media has become an important
medium of conversation, whether it manipulate voters to get them over
to the polling booth or not. However, it is surely increasing in the
country and therefore gaining investments from all the parties.